Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm tired of Politics. I'm tired of every Twitter friend that I have constantly Twittering about their chosen candidate or the "devil" of a candidate that they dislike. I'm tired of MySpace friends posting bulletins about their chosen candidate. I'm tired of the extreme people who think that the world will end if either candidate gets chosen. I'm tired of those same people who think the world will magically get fixed if one candidate wins.

Don't get me wrong - I am a voter and always have been. I have a fairly strong opinion on who I plan to vote for - which is nunya - as in - nunya business. That's my point - I wish that politics would become more of a private thing.

Don't ask me who I plan to vote for because just like my intimate life with my husband or my prayer life with my God - it's nunya. Although my intimate life with my husband has a better chance of coming up in daily conversation than my political beliefs because I have a filthy mind....bwahahaha!

Besides - voting is fixed anyway. There. I said it. And I believe it.

On a side note - if I make it through my sister's baby shower tomorrow without bitch slapping my crazy Auntee M - I should get an award.


Aunt Becky said...

I want to vomit every time I get ambushed by new blog posts about political views. So sick of it.

Anonymous said...

post damnit! you're as bad as thepeevery- lol!!

Anonymous said...

post damnit! you're as bad as thepeevery- lol!!