Monday, October 20, 2008

On strike

My period arrived with a vengeance this morning. I woke up, checked my temp, saw that it had dipped back into the 97's and bam, I was flowing before I got in the shower.

In honor of this, my 14th month since beginning the conception journey, I took a sick day. I took a day ALL for me me me me to just sit at home and watch pay per view movies and maybe even cry later if I feel like it.

And now the official "break" begins. No more trying to conceive until 2008 is over - nothing, nada, zip, zero, zilch. No watches, no Clomid, no temps, no checking mucus and timing sex and peeing on sticks and worrying/waiting/begging. None of it.

Infertility? - I will revisit you in 2009. I will enjoy my 31st birthday this Thursday (GAH!) without you rearing your ugly head. I will chow down for Thanksgiving and enjoy Christmas without you nosing around to ruin the fun as you did last year.

I am done with you for the next 3 cycles (which will probably end up only being 1 since I won't medicate myself to make it otherwise).

This sucks.


docgrumbles said...

enjoy your break - not tracking things can be nice.

Aunt Becky said...

Hope that your break is restful. It's good for the soul to stop for awhile sometimes.