Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Open Letter

Dear Husband,

Please understand. Please understand that I cannot take your humor tonight and that your dancing around to cheer me up is only reminding me that I am in need of cheering up and why I am in need of cheering up.

I miss my son. Christmas is a time for family and with 50% of my immediate family missing and 100% of my offspring missing, I just can't seem to get into the mood to "blow up the air mattress and sleep next to the tree" as you so romantically suggested, though I will, for you, but I just can't smile about it.

I'm on Day 1 of an extremely heavy period forced upon my body unwillingly by man made drugs. My son is with his father.

I am sad.

Allow me to wallow just a smidge and please stop taking it personally. If you need a blow job to get it out of your system, I will willingly oblige...anything to get me back to my silent ache that only I can understand tonight.

I love you, I truly do. I know that you need me just as much as I need him, but I just need you to please...just...please. I will be so much better for New Year's, when both of my men are by my side and the house is filled with love and laughter...just not tonight. Please.


Your Wife

1 comment:

Momma Brinkley said...

My heart breaks for you. xoxo