Friday, January 2, 2009

The bearded lady

Most women don't need to fret over the maintenance of their beards, right? There are about 999 possible symptoms of PCOS - one of which is facial hair. Of course, out of all possible 999 symptoms - this is my symptom of which I struggle with the most.

I don't just have a stray chin hair or two - I have a full grown 14 year old boy's beard if I allow it grow more than a week.

I've thought about the laser thing many times, but once you actually contemplate the steps of it - it's not all that great. For about $3,000 I could possibly have a 60% reduction in the hair - maybe - not guaranteed. And the procedure is painful and stretches over months of dealing with sunburned skin, peeling and not being able to remove any hair in between sessions. I'd have to take a 3 month leave from work to do it.

So I have many methods of removing this hair because one method does not work on all areas. The underneath of my chin - like the underchin/throat area MUST be literally shaved daily. This is my worst area. It's very thick and very stubbly and without a daily shave, it's extremely noticable.

The cheeks and side burns get a depilatory every 2 - 3 days and then there is the constant plucking of the strays - constant plucking.

This is by far the most embarrasing part of my life. I began removing the hair at the age of 18 when a kid in the camp that I was a counselor for asked me why I was growing a beard. Maybe that's why I hate all kids except my own.

So this is my cross to bear. It's my burden, my crap hand I was dealt in life that I just need to deal with on a daily basis and I do. And I thank God so much and so often that he's blessed me with a very understanding husband. Many men I'm sure would shy away from the bearded lady, but my husband is quite the contrary. He'll sit and talk razors with me, and help me pluck the ingrowns that I occasionally get and he's never not for one single second made me feel ugly or less of a woman because of my beard.

I have no idea on earth what compelled me to share this. Maybe some young girl just beginning her own bearded lady struggle will stumble upon this entry one day and it'll bless her - or maybe you can all sit around and have a good laugh at my expense.

Either way, as I sat before the blank screen trying to think of what to post about why fiddling with a really bad ingrown hair under my chin, it popped in my head that I should share this. And that's it - I am the bearded lady.


Momma Brinkley said...

I have a blond mustache if that makes you feel any better.

Unknown said...

momma brinkley, shut it. seriously. that's like chics who say how hard it is.

my dear, i'm very proud of you for this post. i never noticed any of it until you pointed it out to me but the way you handle it and NEVER COMPLAIN about it is extremely admirable. you are a goddess and i love you.