Bear with me folks if you encounter any typos or misspellings in this post. You see, dear friends, I am currently going blind. I remember once reading that blurred vision can be a symptom of pregnancy and it appears to have hit me in full force...with one exception...mine only occurs after 9:00pm.
So strangley enough, I go all day being able to see normally and then BAM, 9:00pm hits and I can't see a damn thing. At first I thought it could be my contacts as I have a bad habit of wearing my two weeks disposables for like 20 weeks because I forget when I put them in.
Nope, that wasn't it. My eyes are still horribly creamy and blurry as soon as 9:00pm hits. I've begged Dr. Google for answers and the Internet Search Gods seem to agree that what I am experiencing is a very valid pregnancy symptom, albeit a rare one particularly this early on.
After 9:00pm I can't do anything really except sleep because the blurriness just begins to totally piss me the hell off to a point where I'd rather just go to sleep than deal with it.
Boo on blindness - so whatever I am typing by looking at the keyboard is exactly what is getting posted because I can only make out fuzz on the monitor.
What else is going on? Well, Luke is sleeping out at his BFF's house tonight which is so cool and neato that he has hit this age where real friendships that he'll treasure all his life can possibly be beginning and I get to witness that and even help foster it with hopefully the right friends.
Ziggy is totally turned on by pregnancy to a point where I am having to hide my body parts from him lest he attack me and squash me with his own 7 month pregnant belly. I love the man but give me a break's like he's 16 all of a sudden. While I'm utterly flattered by his new interest in me, I'm so tired and gross feeling most of the time that it's so hard to give in and do it - but I'm being a good wifey and trying as much as possible for him.
Octomom disgusts me and I'm so proud of my little Bobby Jindal! Bobby, I didn't vote for you, but I'm so proud of you anyway. Who would have ever thought that the up and rising Republican hero could possibly come from Louisiana...and there you have my first hint at my political affiliations...I won't go any further into that but to say that I'm so proud of our Bobby, because I don't believe in forcefeeding my political beliefs on friends until they some of my other friends do. I'm just saying is all.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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