Sunday, September 14, 2008

Old Aunts and Tiny Babies

What a weekend. I was able to touch and see my tiny nephews again. J was born weighing in at 2lb 10oz and S was born weighing in at 2lb 13oz. They were just born on 9/9. I'm so happy that they are finally here and I truly hope to be a huge part of their lives. My oldest sister lives very far away, so her 2 children are almost strangers to me, even though I'm much closer to her than to the sister who lives near me. I want to be a bigger part of the new babies' lives.

My sister's baby shower was yesterday and thank GAWD that is over. I'm a recluse by nature. If I had the ability to email and text, I often feel that I would be truly happy on a deserted island for months at a time. I loathe kissing anyone other than my husband and son and I absolutely abhor hugging anyone other than the same two. So being the host of a baby shower is like - hell for me. Absolute hell. The hugging. The kissing. The idle chit chat. The being nice to people.


But it's over.

*Written hours later - I had at this point in my blog post, posted a whole 'nother 4 paragraphs about my cutting grass adventure and the odd tortoise we found living in our backyard - and then - I friggin lost it. The weather got bad and knocked me out of my internet service and son of a beyotch, I lost the rest of my post and this is all it saved.

I'm not going back and re-writing it all - my thoughts are not as fun when they are re-written or edited. So, I apologize in advance that this post is rather sucky and will try harder tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet you did an amazing job with the baby shower! Just a little ball of joy you are! haha!