Sunday, March 1, 2009

Babies R Expensive


Ziggy and I were bored last night so I took him for his first ever visit in his life to Babies R Us.

Hilariousness ensued as Ziggy sat in awe as aisle after aisle he was bombarded with the expense of having a baby. He was totally stunned at the cost of strollers and sheets and all the things that you "need" when you have a baby.

It was a good time. When we walked out of the store, we laughed together over how we BOTH only seemed to focus on girl things. We didn't spend two seconds looking at boy bed sets or boy clothes or boy anything. We spent over an hour looking at everything pretty and pink and frilly. Was this instinctive? I have no idea, but we both decided that we will be shocked if the wee one has a penis.

In fact, we are already 100% positive on our girl name and haven't even begun to partially agree on boy names.

Very strange indeed. Please God, if it is a girl, please give her my nose!!! LOL!

1 comment:

KristenWiley said...

Hooray for Babies R US! I LOVE that place!!! I am planning on going there with my mama and little sister the day we find out what flavor we are having... And my husband informed me that he would be going too, so I don't get anything too "girly"... He makes our female dog wear camo, so I can't imagine what he will do if we have a girl! Lol!!! Yeah Babies! I hope things are well with you. This is my first time, so I am shocked and appalled at some of the ups and downs to pregnancy so far!! (I cried over a bass masters tournament. Hello? I don't even like fishing!!)