My sister invited 75 of her "closest" family menbers and friends to the church and to her house after. So not only did I barely get to see her or my godsons, but it was just miserable. EVERYONE knew at this point that I am pregnant and if I got asked one more time how I was feeling, I was going to begin clawing my skin off.
I'm not a social person by nature. I've even had a doctor officially label it as social anxiety once in my life. I loathe social events where more than 5 to 10 people are there. I just freak out and I can't handle it and I'll find any excuse on earth to escape.
Today's escape was for chicken nuggets. Thank god that my sister is a hoity toity snob who had absolutely NO food for a normal 8 year old child. So I volunteered to make the chicken nugget run for the 10 kids that were ravenous after the 2 hour long high mass (great thinking sis...but I guess you'll learn how to party plan around children soon).
Which brings me to the nanny. I got to meet her nanny today. Yes, my sister is such a snob that her boys are too good for normal daycare like the rest of us pathetic folk. She has an in house nanny - $9.50 an hour - comes to about $500 a week.
The nanny is obviously not mentally stable. Why she was even there at all, I haven't figured out yet. Perhaps sis felt the need to include her? There sure wasn't a shortage of old ladies willing to care for the boys, so the nanny was NOT needed. However, she was there.
She totally took over the boys. She would pull them out of family members arms. She would wander off and disappear with them. She was 100% no exaggerating - acting like the mother of the boys. She talked about them like she was their mother and I even overheard her telling someone that the boys now cry when she leaves the house everyday and that she is the ONLY woman that they will smile for. My mother was feeding one and she told my mother how she was doing it wrong. I got the boys confused at one point (they ARE twins) and she went around telling everyone how even their own godmother can't tell them apart but SHE can.
OK, is my sister stupid? Fire the bitch. Seriously. She's weird. She's creepy. She has unhealthy boundaries with your boys. She snatched them out of the arms of poor Aunty M who hasn't seen them since Christmas. Come on now. She's a freak.
That being said, look how handsome my man looked today:
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