Sunday, January 3, 2010

Especially for Lan, to Entertain Her in Her Recovery

Perhaps my New Year's Resolution should be to blog more often? God knows I've been horrible at it. I see these women who manage to keep up with their blogs daily, have children, husbands and jobs and I wonder HOW? What do they sacrifice in order to be able to keep up? Sleep? Sex? Food?

I haven't figured it out, but I vow to try.

So much has happened. There are so many blogs that I've written in my head. There was the "Why does Aunt Martha seem to have a giant cold sore EVERY Christmas" blog in which I regaled you with tales of family and in laws that would make your own families seem more normal for you as my Christmas gift to you.

There was the "Did you just set a flare off in my backyard and goose me?" blog in which I spoke of the drunk/fighting couple that we invited to our house for New Years who made my own marriage and my bipolar husband seem like an episode of Leave it to Beaver...and who also allowed me to view jealousy in my very un-jealous type husband for the first time, which was kind of cool to be honest.

And who can forget the "Mom, what is an orgasm?" blog where I wrung my hands with worry over my son's recent growth spurt of sexual questioning.

Ah yes, you've missed so much. From Thanksgiving through New Years, there has been one recurring theme to all of my family gatherings and it is this: There are two certifiably nuts men in my life. Both my father and my husband are bipolar; bipolar enough to be able to legally claim it as a disability and yet, those two men are the most sane people in my family. It's them that I go to in order to discuss all of the nuts and wackos.

So you've missed a lot and yet, it's much of the same. I love my son, my daughter and my husband. The majority of the rest of my family, including the in laws can suck me. My job pays the bills and thank gawd for it, but I wish the building would go up in flames. My friends are gems and here we are, pretty much right where we started except that now there is a little pink ball of fluff to share the joy with.

Last year at midnight on 1/1/09, I kissed my husband and desperately wished for a baby. This year at midnight on 1/1/10, I kissed my son and thanked God that we made it through 09 and just desperately wished to make it through the next year. (Side note: I didn't kiss the husband at midnight, because he was busy trying to keep flare guy from setting our house on fire.)

My resolutions are many this year. Whereas last year ALL I resolved to do was get knocked up, this year is tremendously different. I've resolved to be more selfish (which if you know me, is actually going to be unusually hard). I've resolved to be kinder to myself. I've resolved to have more sex with the husband (it's free and it's fun and it brings us closer together, so we should do it more, right?) And I've resolved to spend less money and get a grip on some debt.

So that's that. Sorry I've been away so long. I probably have zero readers left. Oh well, a new year, new topics, new friends to be found.

Happy New Year to you!


Anonymous said...

love it and love YOU!


Momma Brinkley said...

I'm still reading! But I can't get onto you because I haven't blogged since Halloween. I should, but I never have time...except for at work when I shouldn't ;-)