Thursday, November 20, 2008


The drama has excalated to a point where I swear that I'm ready to change my phone number and put my kid in a different playground for sports. But I won't over load you again with boring details of that.

I am CD 32 and not a cramp or a positive test in site. And now I begin to worry that this could very well be an anovulatory cycle that refuses to end until I infuse myself with fake progesterone and force the bitch down.

Bah Humbug.

On a side note, my son's field trip today to the African and Native American Cultural Show at City Park kicked ass! It was hot and tedious and tiring, but the actual show and lessons were so awesome.

It made me realize how much more tolerant and knowledgable of diversity our children are than we were. It makes me hopeful of a future generation that will be infused with tolerance and peace - way more than what we already have.

Anyway, pray that the drama ends as well as the cycle. I'd rather have my period and have the chance to start again than be in the limbo hell.

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