Thursday, April 16, 2009


I haven't posted for a really silly reason. I got my nails did, girl. Seriously, I was feeling fat and ugly and just blah and I made a spur of the moment decision to get some acrylic nails.

They make my hands look totally lurvely and Ziggy loves them (anything you do to make yourself look like a hooker is a turn on for I'm really serious about that.) However, my normal ridiculously fast typing speed with zero errors is now reduced to a chick pecking on corn and missing over and over again and it's really just pissing me off.

So now I'm torn. Do I keep my fabulously gorgeous nails and suffer drastically in typing and working and picking my nose? Or do I pop the bitches off and return to my nubbiness of speed and precision.

Decisions. Decisions.

1 comment:

Aunt Becky said...

Keep the nails, I vote.