Saturday, April 4, 2009


I have an update on the Friend from the Past post of earlier this week. Well, after a couple of calls back and forth and a few texts, it appears to have fizzled out. At first I was relieved and then I noticed that Ziggy seemed really sad about it.

When I first met him, his friends were his whole life - the good, the bad and the ugly - they were his life. He had probably 60 guy friends in his phone that he regularly talked to and hung out with.

Since getting clean, I think he gets lonely. He's made a couple of acquaintance type buddies along the way, but he still hasn't made that type of friend that comes over to help you put in the new cabinets or would be there for you as your baby's god father.

So I felt guilty. The more I thought of Scott, the more I realized how safe he was. He was always a really great guy who just drank ALOT and enjoyed an occasional fattie. But he was decent and a hard worker and a great friend who was almost as betrayed by Ziggy as I once was. And here is is reaching out from the past.

Ziggy never had a drinking problem. He truly dislikes alcohol and can have a beer or two a year and never want any more than that. Since alcohol is this guy's primary vice and I doubt that he would light up a fattie around Ziggy knowing his history, I found myself in the car today on the way to Wal-Mart almost trying to convince Ziggy to invite him over one night to show him our house and just hang out.

I couldn't believe I was doing it, but my rationality kicked in and I realized that Scott could actually be safer than a few of the acquaintance friends we've made in the past couple years.

So that's that. That's where we are now. I have more updates on life and pregnancy and I'll try to post again tomorrow.

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