Monday, October 27, 2008


Short post, very short, just to say that I HATE/LOATHE/DETEST/DESPISE the cold. Miserable. And it's only 50 degrees outside and I'm already that miserable. The though of February makes me ill. I've always hated the cold. Although fall is lovely, once the actual cold hits (which to me, in Southern Louisiana is anything under 60 degrees) - I am miserable.

Cold pisses me off too. It's not just a dislike - I literally get PISSED OFF when I'm cold. All I want to do is sit inside and be toasty and snuggled.

I am 100% Louisiana blooded - swamp blood, marsh blood, alligator blood - we don't like cold. no way. no how.

April? I hope to see you SOOOOON!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Becky said...

Blerg. I hate the cold too.