Sunday, December 21, 2008


I must brag - my son is JUST as obnoxiously astute as his mother! WOO HOO!

Luke came home from Christmas at my sister's house with a copy of the Time for Kids 2009 Almanac. He read the 2008 one cover to cover - we all did, to be honest, it's GREAT toilet reading! (hey, metformin gives you the craps - I spend ALOT of time on terlits!)

Anyway, while pooping and flipping through his new Almanac, he starts shouting from the bathroom - MOMMY, ERICK COME HEEEEERE!

So we run to the bathroom and he says, "LOOK! I found a mistake in this book!" He was so proud.

And yes, he did find an error. The book was describing the State of Missouri on one page, and on each state page, they have a blue USA with the state they are discussing colored in yellow so that you can see where it is on the map. In the Almanac, for the State of Missouri page, they actually had the State of Mississippi in yellow.

Wow. BRILLIANT. I'm so proud.

Heck, at least now I know I won't be the only one who has a notebook filled with notes regarding errors found in every book I've read over the years from the Bible to the Louisiana Notary Study Guide to my son's Religion textbook.

Yep, I'm that dorky.

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