Friday, March 27, 2009

Hello Libido

All of a sudden today, I WANTED my husband. Like really WANTED him badly enough to ponder taking care of business on my own if you know what I mean. I guess the second trimester libido is beginning which will be a welcome sight for my poor deprived and desperate husband.

Monday officially begins the second trimester, and while I am totally thrilled, I still have the nagging feeling of doom. I had some worrying this week with a lot of cramping. The doctor says it's round ligament pain from my stretching uterus and that I need to sit/stand a bit slower to ease the pain. Whatever - but she said I need to get more rest. So I took off work today and I'm pondering taking off of school tomorrow too and doing a mani/pedi and some shopping.

I have so much more to say, I really do. I've neglected you guys all week long this week and I'm so sorry for that. Between a trip to Chicago for work and the worry over the cramping, I've been a total douche to you. I did however catch up on all of your blogs today while at home.

Luke has a friend over right now and they are chasing the cats with Nerf guns and I can't focus on what I was going to write. So I'm going to get them to cease fire and I'll come back to post more soon!

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