Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm really freaking out about the economy. Ziggy and I's 401k's are dwindling down to nothing and I don't know what to do about that to make it stop. Everyone says hang in there - but watching us lose almost triple what we are putting in is so painful.

I worry about my job. I worry about his job. I worry about our rental properties and our credit card debt. I'm trying to figure out if all this worry is just hormonal - or if it's justified panic starting.

I don't know who has the right stimulus plan. I disagree with both and I agree with both - parts of each. I just want to know that it will all be ok and I won't be foreclosed and homeless a year from now.

Other than that - I'm just tired and nauseated about 90% of every day and though I love it so much because I know the reason for it, I'm just blah.

Last night I had a nightmare that my doctor came to find me at Luke's school to tell me that the baby had died. It was a super REAL nightmare and it kept me up for the rest of the night. I'm scared of my appointment on Thursday.

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