Monday, February 16, 2009

Things you will never hear...

Things you will never hear during this pregnancy:

1.) "I'm so sick that I can't even eat anything". (I can fight nausea for pizza rolls like a champion.)

2.) "I LOST weight in my first trimester". (I gained 60 pounds for Luke and I enjoyed every french fry that created him. I've chosen from appointment # 1 to not even look at the scale and I haven't yet. Pregnancy weight numbers only stress you out and make you worry...if something is askew, I feel confident that my doctor will bring it up and I don't need to know the rest.)

3.) "Check out my belly pic". (Sorry, I don't do em and though I hoorah for those who do that I truly love and respect as friends/family...I really don't particularly like seeing them either. I took one belly pic at the very end for Luke and I never regretted not taking them more often, or sharing them with friends and family.)

4.) "I love being pregnant". (While I am THRILLED to be here and humble and a million times grateful, it doesn't mean that I enjoy it. The best part is that special time when you feel the baby move...the rest is not so fun and I'm already getting anxious to "get back in shape" and get back on the pill which will help my PCOS ass in so many ways that I haven't experienced in almost 2 years that I can pee my pants just imagining it.)

5.) "Let me tell you my birth plan." (God laughs at plans and I've known this all my first delivery was so far from my actual birth plan that now I just plan to go in expecting a baby at the end and not caring about how that end result comes about at all.)

6.) "The baby is moving, come touch my belly." (The ONLY people who will ever hear that is Ziggy, Luke, my mother and Lan. I am intensely private with my bod and while I respect people's fascination with pregnancy, I'm considering a t-shirt that says BACK OFF.)

Now don't get me wrong - I'm totally in love with this person growing inside of me - totally in love. And I am so thrilled of the gift that it will bring to my entire family. I'm just me.


Anonymous said...

i LOVE it! i can just seeing you belting a co-worker when they innocently go to stroke your supple womb of bounty! bwahahaha!

on another note, wtf is up with docgrumbles site? every time i go to it my computer totally freezes up and i have to ctrl+alt+del out of it??? is it my slow ancient pc? i would just ask her but um, ya know. i can't get in to her site.

i LURVE you! BIG [air] smooch!

Momma Brinkley said...

OH Lawdy! Sandy you crack me up!!! I love it! So I'll try not to beg for belly pics....LOL And I won't send you any more of mine. bahahahaha!

KristenWiley said...

I am so happy for you too!! I am irrationally stressed about losing this baby, but other than that I am my normal charming self. lol! I feel like hell, but have not vomited yet. (Sorry for TMI) I am just nauseous ALL THE TIME. And I could sleep ANYWHERE. This is my first time, so I have no idea what else to expect!!