Thursday, September 11, 2008


To be or not to be - Anonymous? That's the question I've been struggling with since creating this blog yesterday. If I remain anonymous then I can bitch for hours on end about every annoying human in my life (and there are PLENTY). What great fun that could be! I could be totally candid and honest about every little thing that I could never really get to say normally out loud.

Point for Anonymous.

If I'm not anonymous and share the link to this blog with friends and select family then I could post photos (like you have no idea how bad I want to show you my sister's newborn twins right NOW) and I also wouldn't have to nickname everyone and remember what I nicknamed them.

Point for no anonymity.


What to do?

For now, I think I will do the anonymous gig for a while so that I can finally get out all the stuff that I wish I could blog about on MySpace but never could. The people who "know" me here - as in know my real name, city, etc. are safe already, no one knows this exists and I can change my privacy settings and oh this will be so much fun - so 3 cheers for anonymous! Oh the posts that I could post about my evil co-workers. We're going to have SO much fun, dear blog-o-mine!


Aunt Becky said...

Well, you know I just used my first name until I outed myself. MOST of my friends knew about my blog before that, and I thought it was good because it kept me honest. You don't want someone you complained about to stumble across your blog, right?

Anonymous said...

So are you anonymous or not? I don't know you anyone, but you linked to the Peevery so you clearly are awesome.

I have one boring not anonymous family blog and I am only semi-anonymous everywhere else, so I take care not post things elsewhere that would get me fired. I am slightly less careful about hurt feelings for family members since they are mostly internetarded.