Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yep, I got The Sex. It was feverish, sick sex, so it was probably no good (Dr. Google wouldn't give me definitive answers on a fever's affect on sperm) on top of the fact that now I will probably get sick too, but at least I got the goods! Now if I can get it again tonight, we are set to have a real actual chance this cycle.

On a side note, it was late sex and I'm so tired, because when I woke him up for the sex he decided it was the perfect time to confess something that had happened at work that day.

Ziggy has a long history of work issues, due to being bipolar. Bipolar plus career often do not go hand in hand. This is a topic I may blog about often, so prepare yourself with an open mind and tolerance towards the mentally challenged. He has trouble walking normal lines that normal people can walk. He is immensely brilliant and well educated and can land any job on earth, but he just has problems with rules and the following of those rules.

Fortunately, he has a job now that is very easy on his mental health, which he decided to take advantage of, and he wound up being written up yesterday for coming in late too often and taking 2 hour lunches too often. He's been there for about 4 years total and he's been warned about this often - GAH! He's an ass.

So he is now ashamed and embarrassed and ready to make ammends to the job and to me and please I pray that it's just not too late and that he doesn't get canned because...um...have you noticed the economy lately?

Heart palpatations begin. Prayers commence. Oh and him getting up earlier and taking shorter lunches truly only equals more work for ME! I had to get my own self up a half hour earlier to manage him getting up earlier and get him out the house and make him a brown bag lunch - phooey! I don't mind so much, and it was actually a really nice morning having him up with us and not us up and leaving before he was even up.

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