Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Random things I love:

Sleeping late with nothing to do to make me have to get out of bed at a certain time.

The scent of a baby's breath right after they eat.

When my son wants to sleep in my bed - which is getting increasingly less and less every year.

Anything to do with pleasant solicited touch - pedicures, facials, massages, spur of the moment hair brushing from Ziggy.

A clean house and washed sheets.

A pat on the back at work (VERY rare).

A long drive completely alone with no one but my ipod.

The sound of waves and seagulls.

Elastic waist bands.

And finally on the list of random love that is surely not all inclusive - just what's in my head now - the dull constant ache of my ovaries responding to Clomid properly.

Yep, they are and that's all I'll say, lest I jinx anything that may or may not be occurring within those ovaries.

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